Federated Computing units for evenly distributed power across the chains

Abstract: On 2022 Ethereum transitioned from proof-of-work consensus to proof-of-stake. The energy consumption was reduced by ~99.95%. Problem is we overlooked the physical
layer: nearly 70% of those servers was in the hands two providers, AWS and Hetzner. Current blockchain is stoppable!. For a more detailed introduction of the issue we invite you to read our article.
We're working on solution!
We're going to remove the weak chain-links out of the blockchain. We're building a multi-cloud federation of computing units or if you like a cloud of clouds where computing power is distributed reducing | | | the risks of being over dependend on one single infrastructure and balancing the weak chains. Beyond that, we know where do we want to go, a clear roadmap in 4 macrosteps, and we have the experience and knowledge to reach that goal.

Step 1. Improving IaC

Extending the semantics of Kubernets and Terraform to express the need for a distributed infrastructure

Step 2. Speed up the implementation and adoption process

Provide automation to fail fast, learn fast. Beyond the low level functionalities, to tools like Rancher.

Step 3. Multi cloud federverse.

Handling of native multi cloud communication functionalities(just like emails between multiple hosts) and self-healing functionalities to ensure continuously to the distribution requirements expressed in step 1.

Unstoppable resilient and elastic Blockchain.

We are setting the basis for the internet computer.